It's been a week of emotional and spiritual highs and lows. One of fighting giving in to my feelings versus holding on to my faith. And it's only Wednesday.
This quote is helping me...
"Living a life of faith means never knowing where you are being led, but it does know loving and knowing the one who is leading. It is literally a life of faith, not of understanding and reason--a life of knowing him who calls us to go." (Oswald Chambers)
Trying to stand with open hands, palms up, eyes closed--trusting.
1 comment:
.....trusting our lives to a God who always has our best intentions at heart, who loves us so much he'd die for us, and who longs to make us more like him..... sounds like an o-so-simple concept that's easy to follow. We make it so much more bewildering than this....why do we do this again? ;)=)
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