Tuesday, May 6, 2008

La Buena Vida! (or "The Good Life")

Carpe Mañana! Translation: "seize the day...tomorrow!" Well, maybe not the literal translation, but this T-shirt saying is meant to convey the type of laid back atmosphere and attitude at "La Buena Vida" Bar & Restaurant on Half Moon Bay near Akumal, Mexico. I hadn't posted any more trip pictures for fear you'd all think this blog was going to be the equivalent of a neighbor inviting you over to see the slide show of pictures from their Poconos trip. But in honor of Cinco de Mayo, or rather it's lesser celebrated, Seis de Mayo, I felt compelled to share. So grab your margarita or Coruna's (come ooonnn, live a little!) and check these out.

The bar, with hanging fishbone--shark!
(well, actually I don't know what kind of fishbones, but don't you think they would be shark?)

What's not to love about a place
with swings for seating....

and a view like this....

And fish tacos and ceviche that was to die for?

Or maybe it was just
the view with the food that made it so good?
How about this 'seat with a view'?

Oh, Honey? I dropped my lime wedge. Could you get me another?

No, we didn't actually eat up here,
but I wouldn't miss a chance to check it out.
I didn't spit on anyone. Really.
This was the best meal we had the whole week. Better than the French gourmet, better than the Italian tirimisu, better than the BBQ'ed ribs. And we almost passed it. We were on a long walk (25-30 minutes) back to the bus stop from Yal Ku Lagoon, a beautiful inland lagoon where fresh water meets salt water and there are hundreds of beautiful tropical fish.

Does he look happy or what?

It was hot and dusty and we were damp. We almost passed it.
But, I said, "I think I read about this place in the Frommers book!" Good thing your wife is a reader. He's going to owe me for a while for this one.

More pics mañana .

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